Selected Publication List
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- Wybouw N., Van Reempts E., Zarka J., Zélé F., and Bonte D. (2023). Egg provisioning explains the penetrance of symbiont-mediated sex allocation distortion in haplodiploids. Heredity, 131, 221-229.
- Lin Y., Silven J.J.M., Wybouw N., Fandino R.A., Dekker H.L., Vogel H., Wu Y., de Koster C., Große-Wilde E., Haring M.A., Schuurink R.C., and Allmann S. (2023). A salivary GMC oxidoreductase of Manduca sexta re-arranges the green leaf volatile profile of its host plant. Nature Communications, 14 (1), 3666.
- Njiru C., Xue W., De Rouck S., Alba J.M., Kant M.R., Chruszcz M., Vanholme B., Dermauw W., Wybouw N., and Van Leeuwen T. (2022). Intradiol ring cleavage dioxygenases from herbivorous spider mites as a new detoxification enzyme family in animals. BMC Biology, 20 (1), 1-23.
- Davison H.R., Pilgrim J., Wybouw N., Parker J., Pirro S., Hunter-Barnett S., Campbell P.M., Blow F., Darby A.C., Hurst G.D.D., and Siozios S. (2022). Genomic diversity across the Rickettsia and 'Candidatus Megaira' genera and proposal of genus status for the Torix group. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 1-14.
- Wybouw N., Mortier F., and Bonte D. (2022). Interacting host modifier systems control Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in a haplodiploid mite. Evolution Letters, 6 (3), 255-265.
- Njiru C., Saalwaechter C., Gutbrod O., Geibel S., Wybouw N., and Van Leeuwen T. (2022). A H258Y mutation in subunit B of the succinate dehydrogenase complex of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae confers resistance to cyenopyrafen and pyflubumide, but likely reinforces cyflumetofen binding and toxicity. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 103761.
- Zarka J., Parmentier T., and Wybouw N. (2022). Intersexuality in a natural population of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. Zookeys, 1101: 183–190.
- Fotoukkiaii S.M.*, Wybouw N.*, Kurlovs A.H., Tsakireli D., Pergantis S.A., Clark R.M., Vontas J., and Van Leeuwen T. (2021). High-resolution genetic mapping reveals cis-regulatory and copy number variation in loci associated with cytochrome P450-mediated detoxification in a generalist arthropod pest. PLOS Genetics, 17(6), e1009422.
- Greenhalgh R., Dermauw W., Glas J.J., Rombauts S., Wybouw N., Thomas J., Alba J.M., Pritham E.J., Legarrea S., Feyereisen R., Van de Peer Y., Van Leeuwen T., Clark R.M., and Kant M.R. (2020). Genome streamlining in a minute herbivore that manipulates its host plant. eLife, 9, e56689.
- Goossens S., Wybouw N., Van Leeuwen T., and Bonte D. (2020). The physiology of movement. Movement Ecology, 8 (1), 5.
- Wybouw N., Kurlovs A.H., Greenhalgh R., Bryon A., Kosterlitz O., Manabe Y., Osakabe M., Vontas J., Clark R.M., and Van Leeuwen T. (2019). Convergent evolution of cytochrome P450s underlies independent origins of keto-carotenoid pigmentation in animals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286, 20191039.
- Wybouw N.*, Kosterlitz O.*, Kurlovs A.H., Bajda S., Greenhalgh R., Snoeck S., Bui H., Bryon A., Dermauw W., Van Leeuwen T., and Clark R.M. (2019). Long-term population studies uncover the genome structure and genetic basis of xenobiotic and host plant adaptation in the herbivore Tetranychus urticae. Genetics, 211, 1409-1427.
- Schimmel B.C.J., Alba J.M., Wybouw N., Glas J.J., Meijer T.T., Schuurink R.C., and Kant M.R. (2018). Distinct signatures of host defense suppression by plant-feeding mites. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (10), 3265.
- Snoeck S.*, Wybouw N.*, Van Leeuwen T., and Dermauw W. (2018). Transcriptomic plasticity in the arthropod generalist Tetranychus urticae upon long-term acclimation to different host plants. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 8 (12), 3865-3879.
- Bajda S., Riga M., Wybouw N., Papadaki S., Ouranou E., Fotoukkiaii S.M., Vontas J., and Van Leeuwen T. (2018). Fitness costs of key point mutations that underlie acaricide target‐site resistance in the two‐spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Evolutionary Applications, 1-14.
- Wybouw N., Van Leeuwen T., and Dermauw W. (2018). A massive incorporation of microbial genes into the genome of Tetranychus urticae, a polyphagous arthropod herbivore. Insect Molecular Biology, 27 (3), 333-351.
- Van Petegem K., Moerman F., Dahirel M., Fronhofer E.A., Vandegehuchte M.L., Van Leeuwen T., Wybouw N., Stoks R., and Bonte D. (2018). Kin competition accelerates experimental range expansion in an arthropod herbivore. Ecology Letters, 21 (2), 225–234.
- Santos-Matos G.*, Wybouw N.*, Martins N.E.*, Zélé F., Riga M., Leitão A.B., Vontas J., Grbić M., Van Leeuwen T., Magalhães S., and Sucena E. (2017). Tetranychus urticae mites do not mount an induced immune response against bacteria. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284, 20170401.
- Wybouw N., Pauchet Y., Heckel D.G., and Van Leeuwen T. (2016). Horizontal gene transfer contributes to the evolution of arthropod herbivory. Genome Biology and Evolution, 8 (6), 1785-1801.
- De Roissart A., Wybouw N., Renault D., Van Leeuwen T., and Bonte D. (2016). Life history evolution in response to changes in metapopulation structure in an arthropod herbivore. Functional Ecology, 30 (8), 1408-1417.
- Khalighi M., Dermauw W., Wybouw N., Bajda S., Osakabe M., Tirry L., and Van Leeuwen T. (2016). Molecular analysis of cyenopyrafen resistance in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Pest management science, 72 (1), 103-112.
- Wybouw N.*, Zhurov V.*, Martel C., Bruinsma K.A., Hendrickx F., Grbic V., and Van Leeuwen T. (2015). Adaptation of a polyphagous herbivore to a novel host plant extensively shapes the transcriptome of herbivore and host. Molecular Ecology, 24 (18), 4647-4663.
- Wybouw N., Dermauw W., Tirry L., Stevens C., Grbić M., Feyereisen R., and Van Leeuwen T. (2014). A gene horizontally transferred from bacteria protects arthropods from host plant cyanide poisoning. eLife, 3.
- Bonte D., De Roissart A., Wybouw N., and Van Leeuwen T. (2014). Fitness maximization by dispersal: evidence from an invasion experiment. Ecology, 95 (11), 3104-3111.
- Dermauw W.*, Wybouw N.*, Rombauts S., Menten B., Vontas J., Grbić M., Clark R.M., Feyereisen R., and Van Leeuwen T. (2013). A link between host plant adaptation and pesticide resistance in the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (2), E113-E122.
- Wybouw N.*, Balabanidou V.*, Ballhorn D. J., Dermauw W., Grbić M., Vontas J., and Van Leeuwen T. (2012). A horizontally transferred cyanase gene in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae is involved in cyanate metabolism and is differentially expressed upon host plant change. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 42 (12), 881-889.